Friday 22 July 2022

Our final week together!

I can't believe a whole year has gone by since Puffin Class was created. What an amazing year it has been. We've had so many amazing times. Thank you to the children, staff and parents for all your hard work this year. I hope you have a fantastic summer!

It has been a very hot week with temperatures reaching 46'c but everyone ploughed through. Here are a few photos of the last week, a few of our last Forest School session and some of the new year 1s and 2s spending a day getting to know one another :)

Although Friday was a truly lovely day, sending off our Year 2s to new adventures, we were very sad to say goodbye to Miss Wones. However, we hope she has an 'awesome' time travelling around the UK with Poppy dog. We will miss you LOTS Miss Wones.

Friday 15 July 2022

Trex trails and sunshine :)

It has been another busy week in Puffin Class, both Puffins and Pufflings have continued to work their socks off.

We were really lucky this week to visit our fine city and go on the hunt for T-rex's. We found so many hidden around the city. We found Catfield's in Pilch shop, Sutton's in the library and our own t-rex was hidden in the cathedral.

Pufflings stopped at Chapelfield gardens for their picnic and got to go on the park. Puffins stopped for a picnic in the grounds of the cathedral before searching for more Trex's near the Castle. Everyone listened beautifully to their adults and we all had an amazing time!

I hope you enjoy seeing some of the pictures :)

Friday 8 July 2022

Sports Day and the circus! :)

What a lovely week it has been. It was so nice to hold sports day on our field this year. Thank you all for coming along to watch and take part, everyone really enjoyed it. A huge congratulations to Emerald Team who were crowned winners this year.

We were also really lucky to go to Catfield school and see the circus on the field. All the children loved watching all the different skills and having a go themselves. 

Friday 1 July 2022

Norfolk Show

This week in Phonics, Puffins have been recapping on all the different ways to write oa, o-e and ow. We have also focused lots on spelling the tricky words; and, was, she, the and saw. Puffins have continued to concentrate on the initial sounds of words and oral blending eg an adult says c-a-t and the child says cat.  

In Maths Puffins have recapped on subtraction using objects, crossing pictures out and using a number line. Everyone worked really hard. Pufflings have been matching amount of objects to numbers and lots of counting.

In Topic we have started our new book 'Handa's Surprise' we enjoyed looking at all the different animals and fruits that can be found in Africa. We then all enjoyed the taste testing of fruits such as pineapple, mango, melon etc.

The Reception children had a great day out at The Royal Norfolk Show.

Apologies for the lack of photos and observations this week on Tapestry, our iPad's are being updated, we hope they will be back very soon :) We did manage to get some photos from the Royal Norfolk Show :)

Our final week together!

I can't believe a whole year has gone by since Puffin Class was created. What an amazing year it has been. We've had so many amazing...