Friday 26 November 2021

All things Gruffalo :)

 This week we have busy learning all about the Gruffalo. Amongst all of that fun Puffins have learnt the new digraphs; oi, ue, er and ar. We have also been practising how to spell the tricky word he and she.

Pufflings have been looking at the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and putting music to parts of the story eg for crossing the bridge, eating the grass and hearing the troll. 

In Maths Puffins have concentrated on the number 5. We looked at different ways to represent it, how to write it and so much more. We also looked at the 2D shape called a pentagon which has 5 sides.

Pufflings have been recognising numbers to 5 and matching it to other numbers that are the same.

In Topic we have been learning the story of the Gruffalo. We were very lucky to have a special parcel delivered but we could not open it until we found all the clues. The children found orange eyes, black tongue, purple spikes and lots more...They knew it must be the Gruffalo. We sequenced pictures, acted it out and wrote lots of words to describe the Gruffalo and his friends. We then had the amazing opportunity to go to the Playhouse and watch the Gruffalo-it was AMAZING!! and so were your children.

In our health and well being part of PE Mr Smith spoke about keeping our teeth healthy, brushing them twice a day and eating dairy and not too much sugar.

We have also been very busy singing lots of Christmas songs...we are all getting very excited now :)

Have a great weekend. PS Please don't forget raffle tickets are for sale-Miss Turner will have them ready to buy on the playground at drop offs.

Friday 19 November 2021

Kindness :)

This week has been all about kindness as part of Anti-bullying week. We wore odd socks to explain that it is ok to be different and we took part in another Wednesday workshop, this time focusing on kindness and friendship activities. Everyone has been extremely kind to one another as always-great work Puffins and Pufflings.

In Phonics Puffins have learnt the ch, sh, th, qu and ou digraphs. We also looked at spelling the tricky word 'I' and 'the'. Pufflings have been using the musical instruments to copy each others beats.

In Maths Puffins have focused on representing the number four in a variety of ways, in numbers, words, numicon, bead strings, dice, dominos, corners and so much more. We also learnt to write the number 4. I have put the formation rhymes onto Tapestry. Pufflings have been rolling dice, counting the spots and then counting out the same number of bean bags. They've also been matching dominos together.

In Topic we worked together as a class to learn the story of the 'Gingerbread Man'. Everyone is very good at joining in with the repeated phrase and retelling the story using masks and puppets. We used play doh to make gingerbread men and did lots of cutting and sticking to create our own gingerbread pictures. We then moved on to write some adjectives to describe the characters. We had some great words; sly, spiteful, mischievous, mean, happy, cheerful.

In PE we had lots of fun playing games outside and as part of our well being we made smoothies and lots of us tried them and they were delicious. We had a relaxing time in yoga today and everyone joined in beautifully.

In Forest Schools we had lots of fun collecting leaves and making crowns, running around in the sunshine and swinging in the hammock with all of our friends :)

Have a great weekend :)

Our final week together!

I can't believe a whole year has gone by since Puffin Class was created. What an amazing year it has been. We've had so many amazing...