Friday 24 June 2022

Singing, art and lots of water play!

 This week has been yet another busy week. I can't believe we now only have four more weeks till Summer.

In Phonics Puffins have been recapping on the ie, igh and i-e sound by reading words and sentences and writing words and sentences. We have also learnt to read the tricky words 'right' and 'two' and spell the tricky word 'why'. Pufflings have continued to concentrate on initial sounds and orally blending words eg the adult says m-a-t and the child says mat.

In Maths, Puffins have been focusing on addition, using objects, drawing pictures and some children have used number lines. Pufflings have been recognising numbers from 0-10, ordering them and spotting missing numbers when one is taken away,

In topic we have finished our book 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and we did some amazing writing using adjectives. The children came up with sentences such as 'The dangerous troll was waiting under the wooden bridge for his dinner!'. Well done everyone.

We also had a lovely walk down to the Art exhibition at the Chapel, it was lovely to see everyones art work so beautifully displayed. 

We also took part in the virtual 'Big Sing' and the children sang 'Circle of Life' and 'Million Dream's beautifully.

We had an emotional day on Friday because it was Mrs Crane's last day at Hickling before she starts a new job in a different profession. She has been amazing with all the children and she will be extremely missed but we wish her all the best and we know she will pop in to help out where she can :) 

Friday 17 June 2022

Willow Farm

Another busy week in Puffin Class, we seem to cram so much into one week :). In phonics Puffins have been recapping on the ee, ea, e-e and y digraphs, recognising the tricky words should, could and would, we have also worked hard to spell the tricky word 'when'. Pufflings have been concentrating on initial sounds and oral blending e.g. the adult says I can see a d-o-g and the child will blend the sounds to say 'dog'. This takes lots of practice, it would be great if you could do this lots at home e.g. I can see a c-ar, t-r-ee, c-a-t, r-u-g etc. 

In Maths Puffins have been focusing on estimating (making a good guess) and addition. Pufflings have been finding numbers, recognising them and counting out the right amount of objects, making sure they do it slowly and reliably.

We have continued with our story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and we used lots of describing words to describe the troll and the goats and we've been busy acting out the story in our 'cool time'.

Reception children were really lucky to go to Willow Farm with Kingfisher Class, the preschool children waved them off. It was great fun, see the pictures below.

What a beautiful day for Forest school, lots of sunshine, games and fun with our friends.

Please remember to bring in Library books on Tuesday so they can be changed. Please make sure your child has their hat and raincoat everyday and sun cream is applied every morning as and when required. Also, please can I ask that you only put water in your children's water bottles, not squash. Many thanks.

Have a super weekend :)

Friday 10 June 2022

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

 What a lovely first week back we've had seeing all our friends and talking about our half term break.

In Phonics this week Puffins have been recapping on the ai, ay and a-e spelling. We have been reading words and sentences and writing sentences using some of these words. We have also looked at reading the tricky words 'love' and 'put' and spelling the tricky words 'what'. Pufflings have continued to focus on initial sounds, they have almost looked at all the single sounds.

In Maths this week Puffins have been talking about spatial awareness and we had great fund building lots of paths to get from start to finish. We then made a town with roads (paths) for our small world people to get from one place to another. We then had loads of fun making it on a large scale for us to get from one place to another. Pufflings have been busy matching numbers and playing snap.

We've started our new topic 'Our Amazing world' and we started our new book 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We have been learning the story, picking our favourite characters and drawing them, We've also been sequencing the story as well as making our own bridges and acting out the story.

We were lucky that the sun shone for Forest school and we got to enjoy lots of learning outside. Lots of the children also enjoyed having some quiet time in our new hub! Enjoy your weekend :)

Our final week together!

I can't believe a whole year has gone by since Puffin Class was created. What an amazing year it has been. We've had so many amazing...