Friday 27 May 2022

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

WOW what a fantastic week of celebrations ahead of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We all had a great time at the craft afternoon where we made crowns, medals, flags, name cards and a beautiful fabric tapestry.

We still managed to fit in phonics and maths and we also learnt lots about the Queen, We even watched the Queen's Coronation from 70 years ago

We also looked at our caterpillars and loved that they are now in their cocoons.

We had a very special lunch and afternoon tea where the children ate lots and were presented with mugs by the Parish Council. It has been a truly fabulous week.

We hope you have a lovely half term with your family and we look forward to seeing you back at school for our final term :)


Friday 20 May 2022

Not so tiny caterpillars!!

This week in Phonics, Puffins have been looking at the 'ai and 'ay' digraphs as well as the 'oi' and 'oy' digraphs. We have also been learning to read the tricky word 'because' and spelling the tricky word 'little'. Pufflings have continued to look at initial sounds, listening very carefully e.g what's the first sound you can hear in s-u-n? 

In Maths, Puffins have been concentrating on doubling and halving. Everyone did really well with this. Pufflings have been matching numbers to dots and even talked about missing numbers.

We have continued with the story 'The very hungry caterpillar' and we looked at the lifecycle, as a team we ordered the cycle. We have also been busy observing our caterpillars which are now getting very big. We also looked at how Eric Carle (author and illustrator of our class story) produced his gorgeous paintings and we had a go at doing our own. Some children created a caterpillar and some children created a butterfly. We will share them with you when they are finished as it's a process that takes a few days

We've been keeping an eye on our runner beans and sunflowers and they are now big enough to move into the vegetable patch but the sunflowers will go home with children. We look forward to watching them grow on Tapestry.

We look forward to seeing you Tuesday at 1.15pm where you can join your child to carry out lots of Jubilee activities.  😊

Friday 13 May 2022

A very hungry caterpillar!

This week in Phonics Puffins have been looking at 'oo' and 'ew' sounds a swell as 'or' and 'au'. We have also learnt to read the tricky words 'other' and 'have' and spell the tricky word 'like'. Pufflings have continued to look at initial sounds. This can be continued at home with the traditional game 'I spy'.

This week in Maths Puffins have been recapping on 2D shapes. We've used 2D shapes, lollipop sticks and numicon. We have also been doing some tangrams-the children were amazing at this! Pufflings have been matching amounts to numbers.

We started to read our new class book 'The Hungry Caterpillar' and we had a very exciting delivery of five tiny caterpillars. We have talked about the life cycle of a caterpillar and we can't wait to see them grow and turn into a cocoons before eventually becoming beautiful butterflies.

Another beautiful day for Forest school where the children laughed and did lots of investigations around the school site.

The weeks are whizzing by! We hope you have a lovely sunny weekend :)

Friday 6 May 2022

Here we go round the bright Maypole :)

What a lovely week. It's been a long time since I've done any maypole dancing. The children did so well. We hope you enjoyed the dancing, the sun, the scones and ice creams.

In Phonics Puffins have been busy learning the aw sound (paw, draw) and the wh sound (which, why). We have also looked at how to read the tricky words more and before and spell the tricky words live and give. Pufflings have continued to look at the initial sounds 's' and 'a'.

In Maths, Puffins have been concentrating on representing and recognising numbers beyond 10, the children particularly liked the bingo. Pufflings have continued to look at 2D shapes and what makes up each shape eg the amount of sides and corners.

In Topic we have continued to look at our sunflowers and we also grew some runner beans. Puffins are trying to grow them in a plastic bag and Pufflings are trying to grow them in a jam jar. We also talked about what would happen to a seed if it didn't have any water or sunlight. We then planted some, one  without water and one without sunlight. We are going to keep our eyes on them to see what happens.

As part of our RE, Reception went on a mini pilgrimage to Hickling Church. We enjoyed learning all about what is inside a church and what it is used for.

Another busy week! We hope you have a lovely sunny weekend :)


Our final week together!

I can't believe a whole year has gone by since Puffin Class was created. What an amazing year it has been. We've had so many amazing...