Friday 25 March 2022

A busy week under blue skies!

This week has been busy with the arrival of our Norfolk Horn Ewe and it's lamb. We have been learning all about what they eat, drink and how to look after them.

We also helped out at the barn with weeding and spreading bark down, it was lots of fun!

Rev Catherine visited us for collective worship on Tuesday, in the sunshine. We helped tell the story of Holy Week. We all waved our palm crosses and said ‘hosanna!’ We talked about the Last Supper and the bread and wine that was shared. It was a very special collective worship.

Friday 18 March 2022

Farms and animals

This week we have started to learn about farms and animals. We started off our learning by visiting Wroxham Barns and seeing all the animals, learning all about what they eat, their young and lots more. In RE Reception recapped on Good Friday and Easter Sunday and created their own Easter gardens.

In Phonics Puffins have been looking at the digraphs oa and ow (boat/crow/ and er, ir and ur (her, bird and turf). We have learnt to read the tricky words give and live and spell the tricky words my and by.

In Phonics Pufflings have been looking at rhyming words and the odd one out.

In Maths Puffins have been concentrating on addition and subtraction. In Maths Pufflings have been looking at repeating patterns.

It has been a lovely week full of learning and fun. Enjoy your weekend of blue skies:)


Friday 11 March 2022

Blast off!

This has been our final week learning all about Space before we move onto farms and animals. We can't wait for our trip to Wroxham barns and we are super excited to have our very own Hickling sheep and lamb(s) on the school field. In RE we learnt about Good Friday and Easter Sunday and we looked at why there is a cross on a hot cross bun. We then thoroughly enjoyed eating them.

This week in Phonics Puffins have been looking at the alternative way of spelling the digraph ee. So far we have learnt that it can be spelt ee, y and e-e and this week we focused on ea. We also learnt that the ie digraph could be written as a 'y' like in the words my, by and spy. We learnt to read the tricky words like and have and concentrated on spelling the tricky words go, no and so.

This week in Phonics Pufflings have been matching rhyming words and reading lots of rhyming books.

This week in Maths Puffins have been concentrating on number bonds to 10. We have learnt a rhyme to help us (see Tapestry for a copy) and we have been concentrating on more and less/fewer. Everyone has worked so hard.

This week in Maths Pufflings have been concentrating on repeating patterns

We have all thoroughly enjoyed learning about Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and most of us thought it would be very exciting to go to the moon although lots said they would miss their families :) We also enjoyed making space rockets and taking them outside to play with.

It has been a beautiful week with blue skies and we all enjoyed getting on the field to have a run around, roll down the hills, play football and much more.

Friday 4 March 2022

Palm Sunday and Shrove Tuesday

 This week has been a quiet week with lots of our friends poorly at home but we have enjoyed seeing some blue skies and getting outside in the sunshine. We were kindly invited to have pancakes at the chapel, they were YUMMY!

In Phonics Puffins have looking at the alternative grapheme (different way of writing the digraph) for the digraphs (two letters that make one sound) ai and oi - ay and oy. We talked about how these new spellings are found at the end of words. We also learnt to read the tricky words like and have and to spell the tricky words my and by.

In Phonics Pufflings have been reciting lots of nursery rhymes and they've even made a class book of Nursery Rhymes to share with the rest of the class.

In Maths Puffins have been looking at how to represent numbers 9 and 10 eg through using dominos, bead strings, numicon, dice and lots more. We then focused on number bonds to 10, what two numbers make ten eg 0 + 10 =10, 1 + 9 = 10, 2 + 8 = 10 etc. We looked at how to write the number sentences using the symbols  + and =

In Maths Pufflings have been concentrating on biggest and smallest. Comparing two objects into smallest and biggest.

In RE Puffins learnt about Palm Sunday and the word 'Hosanna. Using ribbons, our palm leaves and music, we acted out Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. We hope you enjoyed seeing this at Friday's Parent Assembly.

World Book Day was so much fun, dressing up in our PJs and doing a carousel of lovely activities linked to wonderful books in the afternoon.

Our final week together!

I can't believe a whole year has gone by since Puffin Class was created. What an amazing year it has been. We've had so many amazing...